Sunday, May 2, 2010


It all happened so fast. I guess I just didn't see it coming. I picked up a part time job a few weeks ago. By part time, I mean maybe ten hours a week. I did it just to make sure I'd have money in my pocket on a regular basis until the gigs start coming. It's TSS work, so the hours are kinda odd but relatively flexible. For me, it was perfect. ....
So anyway, things were going pretty good for me. I was just getting used to this artistic life. Stay up late. Wake up when you wake up. Be creative all day. Repeat. This life, for me, is interrupted only occasionally, by the necessity of grad school and this part time job. These interruptions are what I'd equate to the occasional jab to the forehead.....
You ever see a heavyweight fight? A superior boxer fighting a lesser fighter. The good fighter expects to get hit sometimes, right. He just knows its coming, so it doesn't hurt that much. He's prepared. That was me. Every now and again, though, he gets caught. ....
The boss calls me. Mind you, this doesn't much bother me. When you work only seven to ten hours a week, the boss doesn't have much power over you, right? So he calls and asks me to take a new client, in addition to my old client. This new client is 26 hours, on top of the ten I work already. He really needs me to help him out on this one. I just started, you know. He'll hook me up down the road. ....
And there it was. As if the confidence I'd gained from eating those jabs from my "lesser opponent" had made me just a bit too slow. For a split second, I dropped my hands. He knew it. Instead of the jab, he threw the straight right, caught me on the chin, and that was that. There's me, on the canvas, wondering how I got there. Don't get me wrong. I'll get up. I know I will. Maybe not right away. I'm sure the idea of a full pay check will be reason enough to stay down for six or seven counts. But I'll get up. It's funny, though. Why is it that every time I feel like I'm winning the fight, something puts me on my............

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